Marcello Barenghi is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Milan (Italy). He has an amazing skill at taking ordinary objects and turning them into magnificent art works. From a young age he showed promises in his works.
At the age of 9 he attempted to replicate Leonardo’s Mona Lisa. In my books that’s crazy, when i was 9 i was still trying to draw in the lines. His passion for art lead him on a journey to his weapon of drawing choice, the colored pencil. He says “I discovered the colored pencils, but I immediately felt the need to find out a different technique that would allow me to cover large areas, shading and avoid the grainy look of colored pencils.”
Marcello Barenghi really takes “coloring in” to the next level. Below are just a few of his amazing works. To see more visit : Marcello Barenghi – art & Youtube Channel and as always thanks for reading.
More info: marcellobarenghi.com