On Wednesday September 7th, will be hosting an event where it is expected to be announcing the iPhone 7 and a new version of the Apple Watch. Rumors about the iPhone 7 and it seems like Apple will be making modest changes to the device. But one of the biggest changes in the iPhone 7 is reportedly going to be the removal of the headphone jack in favor of Lightning EarPods.
A few days ago, I published an article about the iPhone 7 Plus potentially including Lightning to 3.5mm headphone jack adapters so that current headphones with a 3.5mm connection can be used in the new devices. If that packaging was not doctored, then it also proves that the larger device will be called the iPhone 7 Plus and it will have a 256GB storage option.
Now another iPhone 7 Plus package has leaked and it reveals some interesting new details. The leaked iPhone 7 Plus package shows that there will be an option to buy the device with wireless earbuds in the box. And those wireless earbuds are going to be called “AirPods.” Interestingly, it appears that the iPhone 7 Plus with the AirPods included in the box do not have a 3.5mm headphone adapter. That leaked packaging photo showing the back of the iPhone 7 Plus box was sent anonymously.
What this means is that Apple will have a wide variety of iPhone 7 configurations with and without the wireless headphones. Personally, I would buy the iPhone 7 with the Lightning Earpods and the Lightning to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter to avoid any potential Bluetooth interference with other devices and I prefer wired audio connections.
Keep in mind that there is a chance that this image could be doctored. But usually leaked packaging photos that surface shortly before product announcements have ended up being legitimate. Plus hints about Apple developing their own proprietary wireless earbuds called the “AirPods” have been appearing for months now.
Back in January, it was reported that the “AirPods” would look similar to the Moto Hint, meaning there will not be any wires connecting between the left earbud and the right earbud. A trademark filing for “AirPods” was also discovered in July. And rumor has it that Apple’s “AirPods” would contain a Bluetooth chip developed by Passif Semiconductor, a company that was acquired in August 2013 by the Cupertino giant.
AppleInsider pointed out that Apple may be considering a two-prong strategy in dealing with the backlash associated with the change in the 3.5mm EarPod headphones that has been shipping ever since the first generation iPod in 2001. The two prongs are: bundled adapters or wireless earbuds. The Lightning EarPods with a separate bundled adapter caters to those who want to continue using wired headphones. And the “AirPods” option without a Lightning to 3.5mm headphone jack adapter caters to consumers that want a minimalistic wire-free experience.