Miley Cyrus took to Facebook and Twitter on Wednesday, November 9, to share an emotional video of herself breaking down in tears as she addressed Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election.
“So, probably like most people — well, maybe not, because given the result — maybe I really am different and maybe a lot of people that I’m surrounded by think with open minds and open hearts like I do,” Cyrus — a proponent of both Clinton, 70, and Bernie Sanders — shared with her followers, as seen in the clip below. “And I do want to say that I’ve been very vocal for my support for everyone besides Donald Trump. Heavily supported Bernie. Heavily supported Hillary. And I still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president, and that’s what makes me so sad.”
The “Party in the U. S.A” singer, 23, then went on to explain why she wishes Clinton, 69, had been named the first female president of the United States.
Go to my Facebook to see a video of my reaction & reflection on last nights election …. If we want Donald Trump to accept us …. We must be accepting towards his presidency & his promise to “unify” our country and “make America great” …. I leave out the “again” because this country has never been able to live up to its full potential because we’ve been putting up our own divided walls between each other. We don’t need Trump to do that for us…. So WE must take a hammer to the bricks WE built up and be more LOVING and compassionate towards all living things! (including the planet) (p.s. Mr. Elected president….. Global warming IS real. ACCEPT THAT)
A photo posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on Nov 9, 2016 at 8:19am PST
“I just wish that she had that opportunity because she fought for so long and because I believe her when she says that she loves this country,” Cyrus tearfully said. “This is all she’s ever done. She’s given her life to make it better.”
Though she didn’t endorse Trump, 70, during his campaign, the LGBTQ rights activist — who canvassed for Clinton in Washington, D. C., and at George Mason University in Virginia — wants her fans to know that she is willing to “accept” the ex–Celebrity Apprentice host as the country’s 45th POTUS.
“But like Donald Trump so ironically played after his speech, it said, ‘You can’t always get what you want.’ And happy hippies, we adjust and we accept everyone for who they are,” she said in the video. “And so Donald Trump, I accept you. And this hurts to say, but I even accept you as the president of the United States, and that’s fine … because I think now I want to be hopeful.”
Cyrus, whose Happy Hippie Foundation was created to fight injustices facing homeless and LGBTQ youth, concluded her video with a special message for Trump.
“Please, please just treat people with love and treat people with compassion and treat people with respect, and I will do the same for you,” she pleaded. “And anyway, anything you ever want to talk about or understand, maybe people that don’t think the same way that you and some of the people that support you do, please, if you want to open your mind and open your heart, I would love to give you a key.”