Senior Engineer at Twitter, Dana McCallum Is Charged with Raping Her Wife the Night after Having Served Her with Divorce Papers

A transgender woman who works as a senior engineer at Twitter has been charged with raping her wife after they had filed for divorce.

Dana McCallum works as a senior Twitter engineer and is now facing five felony charges stemming from an incident that occurred the night after she served her wife of six years with divorce papers.

McCallum, whose legal name on the charging documents is Dana Contreras, was arrested on January 26 and charged with three counts of spousal rape, one count of false imprisonment and one count of domestic violence.

McCallum has been listed as one of the top ten most important LGBT people in tech and she has spoken at length about her transition after being born biologically male.
She and her wife, who has not been named due to the nature of the crime, had been married for more than six years.


The 32-year-old engineer and her wife were separated but were still having sexual relations by the time of the alleged crime.

McCallum had served her wife with divorce papers on January 25 but they met up at some point that evening.
At 2am on January 26, police responded to a sex assault call at a residence in the Mission district of San Francisco.

McCallum’s wife accused her of rape, but McCallum has denied any wrongdoing.

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