Toronto to Host a Massive Orgy for Disabled People this Summer

Toronto will host the world’s first accessible orgy for disabled people in what has been described as “the coming down of the Berlin Wall of sex for people with disabilities”, according to reports from the Toronto Sun. The “Deliciously Disabled” sex night will take place in a theater in the city.

The capacity for the evening is 125 and is open to disabled and able-bodied people. Entrance costs $20 — though caretakers can get in for free — and there will be an interpreter for the deaf and space for 20 wheelchairs. The orgy is the X-rated idea of disability awareness consultant Stella Palikarova.

The 35-year-old says she thought of an orgy after becoming increasingly fed-up with people assuming there must be something wrong with her libido just because she is in a wheelchair as she has spinal muscular atrophy.

And also because those who organize orgies do not cater for the disabled, she says.

“The naysayers are just subconsciously hating the fact that people in wheelchairs are having great sex — better sex than a lot of people are having,” she told the Sun.

“By making this party accessible, we are saying openly that people with disabilities are sexual beings … and not only in more conventional ways.” Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in Toronto will be the site of the upcoming Deliciously Disabled event in August.

Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in Toronto will be the site of the upcoming Deliciously Disabled event in August.
Fellow organizer Andrew Morrison-Gurza was more candid: “A wheelchair can become just a big sex toy.”

The orgy will take place on August 14, at the same time Toronto is hosting the Parapan Am Games.

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