Multiple award winner and Hip hop rapper 2 Chainz (real name Tauheed Epps) had a battle with Nancy Grace over marijuana legalization. He made his argument that legalizing pot across all states could reduce the overcrowding of prisons, and help smokers from blighting their lives with criminal records.
“We’re in a deficit. We’ve got to find ways of getting out,” he explained. “If we got half of the states legalizing pot, if the rest of the community legalizes pot that frees up taxpayers money, that’ll allow us to do something with this extra with these funds from fixing potholes in the street to building stadiums. I’m down with it.” Watch the videos below to see how the debate went.
2 Chainz later took to twitter to announce his next target for a debate: Bill O’Reilly.
We still cool! That was a great debate thanks Nancy…bill o Reilly U up next! #TRUsday
— Tity Boi (2 Chainz) (@2chainz) January 14, 2015