Claire Diaz-Ortiz chose a different approach when she went into labor yesterday. She chose to tweet her 14-hour labour live! Friends, family and the 332,000 other people that follow the long-time Twitter employee on the social media site were all-to-aware of each step of her dramatic delivery this weekend, because she posted about the process live for the world to see.
It started with questioning whether her water had broken about 4.30am on Saturday and finished with the arrival of her daughter.
Currently googling: Did my water just break? #labor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Moved on. Now officially googling "Am I in Labor?!?"
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
So this is a contraction. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Contractions 5 minutes apart. My @twitter jacket on. Headed to hospital. #inlabor pic.twitter.com/ZYANny1ZsB
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
When you go into labor weeks early, you don't remember to pack a baby bag. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Speed bumps on road and contractions don't mix. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Car overheating?! Stopping at gas station. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Car now broken down. On side of road. Need taxi. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Taxi found. Checked in at hospital. Screaming women abound. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Where are my ice chips? #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Please stop asking what we are planning to name the baby. We don't know. And it's getting awkward. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
This is how I feel: BLERGH!!!!! #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
To reiterate my labor pains: BLERGH!!!! #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Husband confused by what happens next. Aren't we all? #inlabor pic.twitter.com/mvQlK0m76H
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Have we talked yet about how my OB is a dead ringer for @Bethenny? #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Husband upset he forgot his absurd ukelele to welcome child. In our broken car on side of highway? Prolly. #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Baby girl born! Now, to bond. (Read: See 'ya in a bit, @twitter). #inlabor
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
Welcome to the world Lucía Paz Díaz-Ortiz! And to Twitter, @lucia😉 We love you! #inlabor pic.twitter.com/GD2lhO1BzO
— Claire Diaz-Ortiz (@Claire) April 5, 2014
i think i liked it better on the other side. #born pic.twitter.com/ikW5R7HeqB
— Lucía Paz Díaz-Ortiz (@lucia) April 5, 2014