Some will be sacrificing their beards while others will grow an iconic mo replica, classic moustache, chest-tash combo or even dye their upper lips for the cause.
This year is all about raising awareness not only of prostate cancer and testicular cancer but also male mental health.
But while the month is all about charity and having an excuse to play around with facial hair styling, there are a few unsaid rules in taking part in the challenge.
1) You must be clean shaven to start the challenge
On Halloween (or ‘shadoween’) your entire face should be smooth and free from hair. This includes the moustache region, including the entire upper lip and handlebar zones.
You can get some inspiration from this Movember style guide.
Guys, this isn’t ‘beard-vember’ – it is ‘MO-vember’ so embrace growing a big hairy slug on your top lip. No cheating.
You can give your jaw and neck a once over but there is strictly no shaving on the upper lip. Not even when your philtrum gets itchy.
5) You need to have a moustache for the whole of November
You need to maintain and groom a moustache for the whole month. Not just the first few weeks. Nurture that mo bro.
No joining your handlebar moustache to your mutton chops. That isn’t a moustache, it is a beard.
‘Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman,’ the Movember Foundation says.
The whole point of Movember is raising awareness about prostate cancer, testicular cancer and male mental health. There are some who do Movember for a laugh, but never forget the real reason people take part in the month-long hairy spectacle.
Dampen your moustache to trim. Wet hair is easier to cut but – be warned – will bounce up as it dries.
Use a fine-toothed comb to gently rake the hairs so they run in one direction.
With barber scissors, trim stray hairs on the outer edge and bottom line of your moustache. Your comb will come in handy to restrain your Mo while you snip away. Trim conservatively.
Run clippers over the body of the Mo for a consistent level of bush and bounce.
Foam up, then run a sharp razor along the outer edge.
For more outlandish styles, use moustache wax to shape the remaining hair into place.