J. Cole Twitter Account Just Get Hacked?

J. Cole’s online reclusiveness has made the hearts of many of his fans grow fonder for his presence. In fact, the same thing can be said for his reclusiveness in general.

So it looks like J. Cole is either on one tonight or he’s the latest victim of a Twitter hack, but I think it’s safe to say it’s the latter. After getting excited about a possible song on the way, Cole’s timeline quickly started getting filled with ridiculous claims about Kim K making up the “robbery” for publicity and asking artists to do collabs, something Cole has never done in the past.

Looking further into it, the song title alone should’ve been enough to scream hack with “Smoking On Dat Phizzurp Pack,” something Cole would never title a song. In addition, Cole’s last tweet prior was back in March, so this has to be another hacking case, but we’ll keep you posted if otherwise.

The platinum-selling Roc Nation star recently told a second home team Queens crowd that he wouldn’t be performing “for a very long time” and his last studio album is set to turn two-years-old at the end of the year.

Cole World also hasn’t officially tweeted since March of this year — when his Dreamville flagship artist Bas released his sophomore effort Too High To Riot but late last night (October 3) his Twitter account was extremely active with a combination of unsavory and ridiculous tweets.

That’s right, ladies and gents: Sir Jermaine Cole and his eight million-strong Twitter account had been hacked.

The tweets caught everyone’s eye when the account referenced Kim Kardashian’s recent turmoil in Paris where she was robbed at gunpoint for millions of dollars worth of jewelry.

And like every opportunist is these celebrity Twitter hacking situations, the culprit couldn’t help themselves and plugged a future SoundCloud flop in “Smokin on Dat Phizzurp Pack” while mentioning recently deceased pro gamer Phillip “Phizzurp” Klemenov and a 13-year-old kid rapper named Matty B. Raps from Atlanta.

After the account was regained with minimal damage done, the Internet couldn’t contain themselves all the same with jokes while trying to figure out how Cole’s password got cracked so easy.

jcole went platinum with no login verification

Dont let J Cole getting hacked make you forget the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead in the Finals

The face @JColeNC made when he found out that he was hacked #JColePassword #JColeWantsToBeSaved pic.twitter.com/LlPgoX2J3j

J. Cole did not go double platinum with no features for y’all to hack his Twitter and play him like this pic.twitter.com/4UYK7uTCRE

j Cole password was platinumwithnofeatures now he changed it to doubleplatinumwithnofeatures

J Cole got hacked cuz his password was ‘DoublePlatinumWithNoFeatures’

By the time J Cole realizes he got hacked it’ll be 2017

J. Cole gon open his Twitter 5 months from now and I realize he was hacked like pic.twitter.com/NrZCU0eKrM

It happens to the best of them.

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