On May 7, Michelle Obama shared a photograph on Twitter of herself holding up a sign reading ‘Bring back our girls’, accompanied by the caption: ‘Our prayers are with the missing Nigerian girls and their families. It’s time to #BringBackOurGirls. -mo’. The sign-off ‘mo’ means that the tweet was written by the First Lady herself and not a staffer. The campaign refers to the kidnapping of 276 girls from their school in Chibok, north-east Nigeria, on April 14.
Today, a user of the /funny subreddit of the popular news and entertainment website turn the sign into something completely different. The post got over 28,502 upvotes. The photoshop various text into the sign the the first lady was holding. Below is a few of the versions that are safe for work, enough to publish.
Checkout the whole thread over at reddit.