Award winning singer and song producer Rihanna and Actress Gabrielle Union joined Kim Kardashian and other celebrities as victims in the weeks-long hacking scandal that struck dozens of famous women a few weeks ago, with nude pictures of the pop star appearing on 4chan.
A few nude photos of the Rihanna appeared online today, both selfies and snaps taken by someone else. The discussion on 4chan seems to have been taken down but the thread on Reddit.
In her stolen pictures, Kardashian is posing sans clothing in a bathroom and holding a Blackberry. She isn’t wearing a wedding ring. New photos and videos of Jennifer Lawrence and Kaley Cuoco continued to be released, with more seemingly still being held for a future date.
Dozens of personal pictures, both nude and clothed, also surfaced of stars like Kate Bosworth, Lake Bell, Hayden Panettiere, and LeeLee Sobieski, plus personal videos said to be of Aubrey Plaza.
Award winning Actress Gabrielle Union released a statement about private pictures of hers that made their way onto 4chan, saying that her and husband Dwyane Wade have contacted the FBI.
They released the statement below:
it has come to our attention that our private moments, that were shared and deleted solely between my husband and myself, have been leaked by some vultures. I can’t help but to be reminded that since the dawn of time women and children, specifically women of color, have been victimized, and the power over their own bodies taken from them. These atrocities against women and children continue worldwide. For anyone out there also being affected by these and other hacking and hate crimes – We send our love, support and prayers. We have done nothing wrong
A Pastebin.com message board dubbed The Fappening 2 collected up-to-the-minute updates and links on the leaks, promising that more would be released shortly.
Pastebin is a anonymous code board. Any user can upload any piece of information. It has been used as a tool in the past by Lulz to distributed hacked code. Currently Pastebin relies on an abuse report system, which gets 1,200 warnings a day. It’s not keeping up, so it’s about to get some more manpower, according to a BBC interview with Vader: