Photo of British Former Labour Leader Ed Miliband On NBC Nightly News

He has been ridiculed for the way he eats a bacon sandwich.

He gave a speech in front of a 8ft 6in gravestone engraved with his policies.

Interviewer after interviewer called him by his brother David’s name.

But now Ed Miliband may have suffered his ultimate humiliation – after US TV used a photograph of him blowing his nose to illustrate a feature about a flu epidemic.

The extraordinary slight came in a segment on the NBC news on Sunday night.

As the presenter warned that ‘flu season has arrived’ and pointed to an ‘uptick’ of the virus in schools, a picture of Mr Miliband wielding a white handkerchief went up on screen among other stock images.

The photo dates from 2011, when it was taken during a round of TV interviews at party conference.

It is just the latest embarrassing incident for the former Labour leader, who was brutally put to the sword by David Cameron in the general election last year.

While campaigning for local elections in May 2014, Ed Miliband stopped off at a cafe in South-West London and grabbed a bacon sandwich for breakfast.

The pictures that emerged, showing the Labour leader struggling to take mouthfuls without looking awkward, were so ungainly that they seem to have undermined his credibility in the eyes of some voters.

In addition, Jewish actress Maureen Lipman accused Mr Miliband of being a hypocrite for eating the non-kosher snack days after he had asked to attend a Sabbath dinner at her home.

Mr Miliband tried to capitalise on the furore, jokingly bringing up the incident in speeches as he attempted to present himself as a straightforward character in contrast to the slicker Conservatives.

But in private, he seems to have been rattled – five months after losing the General Election, he bumped into radio presener Cristo Foufas, whose father owns the cafe where the picture was taken.

Mr Miliband told him, ‘Send your dad my best’ – but when Mr Foufas asked, ‘You don’t mean that do you?’, the ex-leader replied: ‘Of course I don’t.’

The bizarre decision to stage a photo opportunity with a 8ft 6in-high limestone monument was one of the most memorable moments of the election campaign.

It was engraved with six of Labour’s election pledges, and was quickly christened the ‘EdStone’ for its resemblance to a grave.

The stunt has gone down as one of the most cringe-worthy gimmicks in election history and became a symbol of the former Labour leader’s failure to connect with the public during his ill-fated attempt to win last year’s General Election.

After Mr Miliband led Labour to its worse election defeat for more than three decades, a manhunt ensued in a race to find the doomed slab, dubbed the ‘Ed Stone’.

After months of fruitless searching, two party officials finally revealed it was destroyed soon after the damning election result led to Mr Miliband’s resignation.

The gimmick also helped land Labour with a record £20,000 fine for breaking election spending laws.

The election spending watchdog found the party failed to declare a staggering £123,748 in election payments – including two payments totalling £7,614 related to the EdStone.

Mr Miliband pulled off a shock in 2010 by defeating his brother for the Labour leadership.

But right the way through his time in charge of the party had had to endure interviews and public appearances where people inadvertently referred to him as ‘David’.

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