Tiny Celebrity Sculptures Made of Polymer Clay By Mike Viner

Mike Viner has chosen not to just make common drawings, but those you can touch and twist in your hands. All of us have been dreaming to touch a star, haven’t we? There is another feature distinguishing about his caricature sculptures from the others. They are created with help of from his special technique – all the colors in his sculptures are achieved without help of any paints. Each part and detail are made of polymer clay of its certain original color.

Sculptures become hard as plastic after being exposed to thermal treatment. The effect of durability is enhanced by the metal skeleton inside each of them.

The height of each sculpture is about 20cm.

Before starting a new character Mike looks through dozens of the celebrity images at various angles in order to capture the essence of his original nature. The creative process takes about two weeks. Check out the pictures below and visit the artist website for more.

More info: vinersculptures.com

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