Tom Cruise’s Next ‘The Mummy’ Teaser Trailer Released

It’s been nearly 85 years since Universal Pictures released “The Mummy” starring Boris Karloff as the title character.

Film technology has changed quite a bit since 1932 and all that newfangled flash is on display in a short teaser trailer for the Tom Cruise reboot. Universal released the teaser on Thursday with a promise of a longer trailer coming this weekend.

There’s not much to go on in the teaser, but we get a glimpse of the weird-eyed mummy, played by Sofia Boutella, and see our hero Nick Morton (Cruise) swimming in an underwater tomb and running through what looks like a museum. The trailer finishes with a clip of our mummy extending her hands and screaming as buildings disintegrate behind her.

According to the plot summary, the mummy is an ancient princess who awakens in current day, “bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension.”

“The Mummy” is the first volley in a Marvel-style Universal Monsters Universe collection of films. If all goes well, we can probably expect interconnected films that tap into vampire hunter Van Helsing, Frankenstein’s monster, the Invisible Man, the Wolf Man and even the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

“The Mummy” is due in theaters in June 2017.

A photo posted by Universal Pictures Italy (@universalpicturesita) on

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