The exhausted nerves of yesterday’s applicants have already recovered, but a new portion of stresses is approaching. This is an adaptation to a new place, involvement in the educational process and all the other delights that older people call the nostalgic “happy student years.” It is unlikely that anyone would argue that the first year students who decided to leave their native walls to conquer another city have the hardest time. You enter the territory of night adventures, student parties, and titanic studies, where in order to survive, you need to be able to share the last crumb with your neighbors, defend yourself and learn how to adapt to new people and conditions. We made this list of must-have things to make your new life easier.
A well-designed set of stationery can greatly simplify student life and help to organize it conveniently. The mandatory list includes pens, notebooks, files for documents and lecture material, a diary or calendar. You can also hang in front of you a whiteboard for notes or a list of important tasks.
A Diary
The school diary remained in school, but you got more tasks. In addition, you will often have to tackle a lot of organizational issues: get textbooks, come to a meeting with representatives of public organizations of the university, go to the bank and so on. You can’t keep all this in your head. This is a reasonable decision to buy a diary. And you can use the electronic organizer if it is more convenient for you. No one will control whether you have marked all the tasks and mandatory meetings, but this will not relieve you of their performance and attendance.

Before you move, prepare a list of things that you will take with you, and estimate how often you will come home. If you come from a neighboring state, and the journey home takes three hours on an intercity bus, it’s senseless to carry winter clothes with you-you will return for it just before the season begins.
It is very important to bring slippers or slates. This is not very convenient, and it is harmful to spend all day in closed shoes. Light slippers are perfect for moving around the room and corridors. For minor repairs of your clothes, it would be nice to take a set of sewing needles and threads.
A Netbook
What else do modern advanced students need? Of course, this is a laptop computer. Without a computer, modern study is simply unthinkable. In this regard, we advise you to take a netbook. The netbook should be compact and comfortable when carrying daily. It is very desirable to choose a model capable of working for a long time without charging. This will allow you to continue your work even in conditions where there is no electrical connection, for example, on the lawn in front of the university building. In addition, it could well save from sudden deadlines if you forgot to write a paper. You will always be able to easily order essay online and return to the things that are in the top of priorities to you at the moment.
Sports Accessories
While studying, it is very easy to start making concessions for yourself, and various sports equipment will not let you forget about such useful pastime as sports. At a minimum, it is worth taking sportswear with you and enrolling in a local sports club: this will allow you to keep yourself in shape and make new acquaintances.
A Bankcard
Finance is the most important aspect of adulthood. If before that your parents managed the family budget, now you have to do it alone. You can read the popular literature about budget management, but real skills will only appear in practice. So, one of the most important things to take with you is a debit card – many banks have offers for students, and servicing such cards is cheaper. It is also useful to deal with the online bank and download applications for maintaining the budget. You will not be able to keep a budget right away, but this habit will be useful in the future even after graduation.
Feel free to use this list of the most necessary things in order to make your studies really comfortable!