Comedian and host of New Lies comedy YouTube Channel, Ben Bizuneh, wanted to find out if people were willing to agree to racist tenant terms just for the prospect of “cheap rent.”
Bizuneh called on the help of fellow comedian Aristotle Georgeson, who set up a fake Craigslist ad to sublet an apartment room for $400 and Skype interviews with potential renters to “give each person a virtual tour of the apartment.”
On the Skype interview with the the renters, Georgeson makes numerous anti-semitic remarks and gives them a racist ultimatum, saying black people aren’t allowed in the house.
I always have my white friends over and we watch movies… Really the only rules I have in the house are, you know, no cats, no dogs, no black people and just make sure you take your shoes off when you walk in…is all that cool?
Watch Bizuneh and Georgeson’s “Skype Racism” video above.