If you have not heard about it yet, there’s a dress that’s left people scratching their heads over what color it is – while some think it’s black and blue, others reckon it’s white and gold.
Everyone from Blake Lively to Jaden Smith and Julianne Moore have had their say, and now Taylor Swift has also hit Twitter to tell her fans what color she thinks it is. But someone appears to have added yet more controversy to the debate by getting a tattoo of the dress inked on their leg.
The tattoo has caused a stir since being posted on Twitter, with some questioning whether or not it is genuine. The inking, which appears to be inked on the inside of a man’s calf, is printed with the words ‘White and Gold?’
What do you think, is this tattoo real or a fake?
Did this guy really get a tattoo of the dress.. Are you kidding me? pic.twitter.com/AY4mice3Kx
Victoria (@victoria2653) February 28, 2015
Caitlin McNeill, 21, a singer from the island of Colonsay, originally posted a picture of the controversial white or gold? frock on social media page Tumblr after her friend saw different colors in the photo.
The image quickly went viral, as people argued over its colors – and the science behind the debate.