Anderson Cooper Confronts Donald Trump Over Lewd 2005 Comments On Women

Near the beginning of the second presidential debate, CNN anchor and debate moderator Anderson Cooper confronted Republican candidate Donald Trump during a recording lewd Friday filtered.

2005 recording showed Trump make vulgar remarks about women, even flaunting trying to sleep with a married woman and remarking that he could “grab” women “by p — Y” because “when you leave you’re a star do it.”

Cooper did not mince words while characterizing recording.

“You described kissing women without their consent, grabbing his genitals,” Cooper said. “This is a sexual assault. You boasted of having sexually assaulted women. Do you understand that?”

“No, I did not say that at all,” Trump said. “I do not think you understand what was said. This was in the locker room conversation. I’m not proud of it. I have apologized to my family, I apologized to the American people.”

Then turn to talk about the terrorist group ISIS.

“When we have a world in which you have ISIS cut heads and frankly, drowning people in steel cages, where you have wars and terrible, the horrible views all, where there are so many bad things happening, this is like the Middle ages, we have not seen anything like this, the carnage around the world, “Trump said. “And they look and see.

Can you imagine people who are, frankly, if you do well against us with ISIS? And they are in our country and see what is going on. ”

Trump then a little back on track.

“Yes, I’m very ashamed of it, I hate it, but talk costumes and is one of those things,” Trump said.

“I’ll beat the hell out of ISIS. We will defeat ISIS. ISIS happened several years ago in the vacuum left because of bad judgment.”

He concluded: “I’ll take care of ISIS and we should get on more important things and much bigger things.”

“Just for the record, however, are you saying that what he said on that bus, 11 years ago, they really do not kiss women without consent or without the consent grope women?” Cooper asked.

Trump did not quite answer the question.

“I have great respect for women,” Trump said. “Nobody has more respect for women than me.”

“So for the record, you’re saying you never did that?” I ask.

“I said things that, frankly, to hear these things said, and I was embarrassed by it, but I have a great respect for women, and women have no respect for me,” he said.

Cooper interrupted, asking, “Have you ever done those things?”

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