Houston Man Suing Stripper To Recoup His Cash

A Texas woman who works as a stripper in Houston claims that one of her customers is taking her to a small claims court so that he can recoup his cash.

The woman, stage name Nomi, works at a club in Houston and she told News 92, a local Houston station, that she went out with one of her customers, Robert, on a few separate occasions.

She claims that Robert is suing her to get back about $3,000 worth of stuff, including DVDs and a laptop.

“I’ve never heard of a customer suing a stripper,” Nomi said. “I just don’t understand how this person can sue me for money that he freely gave. I would never have even taken it had I known I had to pay it back. This guy is a nutcase.”

In addition to the electronics, Robert also gave Nomi cash.

“We started going on dates, going out to places,” he said. “I helped a little bit here and there, with money here and there. Because she was staying with me for a while because we actually had a relationship.”

Robert says Nomi is very stubborn and feels that legal action is his only recourse.

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