Florida Woman Sets Boyfriend on Fire after Dousing Him in Nail polish Remover

A Florida woman was arrested early Wednesday for allegedly pouring nail polish remover on her boyfriend and setting him on fire. Melissa Dawn Sellers, 33, and Carlos Ortiz, Jr., 42, were reportedly in the midst of a drunken argument around 2 a.m. when

Sellers set fire to Ortiz’s face, shoulders and chest. Ortiz was rushed to the hospital in critical condition with burns on his face, chest and shoulders where he was listed in critical condition Wednesday morning.

Sellers reportedly left the house at 310 Gunn Avenue in Clearwater before police arrived. She returned several hours later after visiting her stepfather.

Neighbors described Ortiz as someone who would do anything for those in need, which included opening his home to Sellers when she was down on her luck.

“That’s just the kind of person he was. He helped everybody,” neighbor Katherine Mudse said Wednesday.

Clearwater police arrested her and booked her in the Pinellas County Jail.

Public records show Sellers was arrested in 2008 for battery and in 2013 for robbery.

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