Michael Savage Pulled From Nations Airwaves Live On Radio For Discussing Hillary’s Health

A top rated radio talk show host was cutoff mid-air after he began talking about Hillary Clinton’s health issues. The show was first removed from a syndicated radio station out of New York City, but was soon followed by other syndicated stations nationwide.

Michael Savage, host of the nationally syndicated The Savage Nation radio show, was discussing Hillary’s health and suggested she may have Parkinson’s disease when he was alerted that his show had been pulled from the air on New York’s WABC radio owned byCumulus Media.

The extremely popular radio show is the second most listened to program in the country with an audience of over 20 million listeners and is syndicated on more than 400 radio stations across the nation. He discovered that he was pulled off the air and replaced by the “Curtis And Cooby Show.”

After discovering that his show was discontinued from the NYC station, Savage went into a tirade on air explaining the media bias against him for speaking about Clinton’s health. He called the act “sabotage” in an all-caps twit.


Shortly after realizing that he was replaced by a liberal radio show with 40% less listeners at the single affiliate, The Savage Nation was pulled nationwide. According to Savage, this could be the start of a much wider program to shut down conservative media outlets as promised by Hillary Clinton.

However, these actions to censor conservative outlets was first ousted by Matt Drudge on Infowars where he admitted to being informed by a supreme court justice that “it is over” and that soon alternative news networks would be going away due to copyright laws already making their way through the courts.

Michael Savage is calling on his listeners to call WABC at 212-613-3800 or email the station to voice their outrage. Regardless of passed laws, this is our country and it is within our rights and capabilities to effect a change to those laws in order to reflect our own wishes. While the people at the top wish to keep us divided and fighting among ourselves, we can overcome their attempts by clinging to liberty in whatever form we may find and unite ourselves for that common goal and purpose. By doing this, we may be able to circumvent the display of our true power in arms.

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