Robyn Twomey is a freelance photographer based in New York. Her work has appeared in Time, Fortune, New York Times Magazine, Wired and New York Magazine. This is a selection of work is from her Playboy series.
Traditionally we has always associated Playboy bunnies with long limbs, pert breasts, fuzzy tails and bunny ears… the epitome of old school pin-up style sexiness. Which are very different from Playmates, Playmates are featured in Playboy Magazine whilst the bunnies worked at the members-only chain of nightclubs known as the Playboy Club.
Working as cocktail waitresses and hostesses, the women contributed to an annual turnover of millions of dollars. This is what Robyn had to say about the series.
These headshots, taken at the Former Playboy Bunny Reunion in Las Vegas, are the result of my interest in the women of Playboy and where they are now. The tight frame and non-retouched images allow space for one’s personal reflection on age and beauty. The body language suggests even more about who these women are: strong, beautiful, fragile, provocative, and everything in between. They are complex characters that are proud and empowered by their beauty and sexuality, at the same time stricken by the fleeting nature of it.