We are all a little freaky in the bedroom. But everyone does it in their own way. As long as nobody gets hurt and everyone involved is a consenting adult, then to each his (and her) own. Sex is sex, and you gotta do what you gotta do to get off. Some people get turned on by machines, while others are into S&M.
And some people get turned on by giants. Not real giants, of course, but large people. That’s exactly how Ana Lucia Barbosa, otherwise known as Amazon Cinthia, makes her money. She dominates men who have an Amazon giant fetish. At 6’8” and 200 pounds, she’s a natural for the job.
Barbosa charges a minimum of $200 an hour as a dominatrix, meaning even if she only works 20 hours a week, she’ll make upwards of $200,000 yearly.