BREAKING: Tila Tequila Twitter Account Suspended

A Washington, D. C.-area restaurant apologized Monday for hosting a dinner during which Tila Tequila and friends did a “Seig Heil” Nazi salute that the former celebrity later tweeted.

Why is a Vietnamese-American woman named after a Mexican liquor aligning herself with white racists? Who knows? You may want to save your outrage over this — you’re going to need it for other things.

Maggiano’s Little Italy said on Facebook it had no idea its guests were part of the pro-white National Policy Institute, which held a weekend gathering in Washington where attendees spouted Nazi propaganda.

Tequila, whom you may remember from “A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila,” which aired on MTV nine long years ago, and whose Twitter banner displays her Photoshopped alongside Donald Trump wearing a Nazi armband, has lately spent her time courting attention with tweets like this one, from Monday:

“Women who complain about Trump saying, ‘Grab her by the pussy!’ Are retards because I love getting grabbed by the pussy! Lmao!”

Several people protested outside Maggiano’s on Friday night, to the surprise of the restaurant, where employees were caught unaware that white nationalists like Italian food, apparently.

“This was a last minute booking made Friday afternoon, and the reservation was made under a different name, therefore we were not aware that NPI was dining with us or what the group represents,”Maggiano’s said on Facebook. “After the event, an attendee sent a tweet in which she made a ‘Sieg Heil salute’ in support of Hitler and white supremacy. This expression of support of Hitler is extremely offensive to us, as our restaurant is home to Teammates and Guests of every race, religion and cultural background.”

Racists and has-beens sharing breadsticks. This must be that normalization-of-evil we’ve been hearing so much about.

Original Article appear on Tila Tequila Seig Heils With White Nationalists, and a Restaurant Is Sorry At TheWrap

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