Tmobile has created an online experience to go with the Kardashian Super Bowl ad. This ad campaign has a special interactive twist. In the on-air version of the ad, where Kardashian laments the photos of her that will never be viewed on phones that don’t have T-Mobile’s Data Stash, viewers are encouraged to visit Once there, a visitor can connect their Twitter account to see a “personalized” video message from Kim herself.
You see her type out a tweet, hit send and wink at the camera. Right then, the viewer will get a tweet from T-Mobile’s account (@tmobile), complete with a selfie from her personal collection and marked with the hashtag #KimsDataStash.
Of course, the whole thing’s automated , and you’re getting one of 10 different shots that Kim picked out for the promotion. But here’s the “aha” moment:
In the video, when Kim is about to send off her tweet, you’ll see your Twitter handle in a close-up of Kim’s phone, shown as realistically as if it had actually been in the shot. According to Tool, the production company behind the ad, the whole thing — from first click to getting the tweet — should take less than 20 seconds.